Ancestor Checklist ...

How well do you know your Irish ancestors?


  • Ancestors name given & surname


    Fathers name

    Mothers name

    Mothers birth surname

    Profession of father

    Siblings names

    Date of birth

    County of birth

    Registration district of birth

    Civil & catholic parish of birth

    Townland of birth

    Town of birth

    Time of birth

    Place of birth


  • Religious denomination

    Date of baptism

    Town/City of baptism

    Church where they were baptised

    Catholic parish of baptism

    Witnesses or Godparents


  • Spouse's name

    Date of marriage

    Age of both parties

    Status of both parties

    Name of the father

    Occupation of the father

    Place of marriage

    Church where they were married

    Catholic parish of the marriage

    County of the marriage

    Registration district of marriage

    Civil parish of the marriage

    Townland of the marriage

    Town or city of the marriage



  • Occupation

    Military service records

    Emigration records

    Land records

    Census records

    Legal and criminal records


  • Date of death

    Age at death

    Cause of death

    Place of death

    County of death

    Registration district of death

    Civil parish of death

    Townland of death

    Informant of death

    Wills, Administrations, Probate


  • Date of burial

    Place of burial cemetery/graveyard

    Memorial Inscriptions

    Plot number

    Buried with

    Church of burial

    County of burial

    Catholic parish of burial

    Townland of the burial

    Town or city of burial


Name of child, date of baptism and birth, names of the father and mother and their home address. Mother's first and maiden name is normally recorded and the names of least two Godparents.
Date of marriage. Names, addresses, ages, occupations of bride and groom. Names and addresses of at least two witnesses. From 1850 both parents' names and their address are often recorded.
Name of deceased, home address, including townland and date of burial.